ചരിത്ര സംരക്ഷണത്തിനായി കോസ്റ്റ് മണ്ണംപേട്ട തയ്യാറാക്കുന്ന ‘മുറ്റത്തെ മുല്ലയ്ക്കും മണമുണ്ട്‌’ എന്ന സൈറ്റിലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം


Panicker took leadership in forming Thiruvithaamkoor Granthasala Sangham (Travancore Library Association) in 1945 with 47 rural libraries. The slogan of the Sangham was “Read and Grow”. Later, with the formation of Kerala State in 1956, it became Kerala Granthasala Sangham (KGS). He traveled across the villages of Kerala propagating the message of reading and inviting active involvement of people. He succeeded in bringing about 6000 libraries into this network. Grandhasala Sangham won the prestigious ‘Krupsakaya Award’ from UNESCO in 1975. He was the General Secretary of Sangham for 32 years, until 1977, when the Sanghom was taken over by the Kerala State Government. Now it is called the Kerala State Library Council, with an in-built democratic structure and funding from the State Government.

In the new face of Kerala Grandhasala Sangham as Kerala State Library Council, the founder of the organisation, P.N. Panicker was out owing to political interference. But Panicker needed to work further for the society, so, in 1977 he founded the Kerala Association for Non-formal Education and Development (KANFED).

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